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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wisconsin Approves CBD-Legislation for Epileptic Children, MMJ Patients

"The Green Fund" Hedge Fund- The Best Marijuana Stocks: WNTR
Weed - Wisconsin Approves CBD-Legislation for Epileptic Children, MMJ Patients

Wisconsin’s Senate has unanimously signed off on a bill that would allow children suffering from seizures to access CBD-oil to treat their illnesses. Just like Kentucky and Utah last week, Wisconsin becomes the latest non-medical marijuana state to approve cannabis oils for epileptic patients–which all combine for a huge acknowledgment for cannabis as medicine
When non-progressive states like these pass pro-cannabis legislation (albeit restrictive)–especially with unanimous votes in the Senate–it only furthers the case for legalization and goes to show this is not only the will of the people, but the will of any legislators with half a brain.
Of course, these are mere baby steps–CBD-only legislation leaves thousands of patients in the dust (as we’ve noted in the past) and has its share of issues. Namely, people in these states still go to jail for weed.
But fortunately, one Wisconsin Senator isn’t satisfied with this prohibitive bill:
A marijuana byproduct could be used as a potential treatment for seizures in children under a bill the Senate unanimously approved.
“I’m just so overwhelmed and overjoyed and so grateful that we have a renewed hope for our kids and our families,” said Amylynne Santiago Volker, whose son, Nic, is having around 100 epileptic seizures a day.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote a Pulitzer Prize-winning series of articles about Nic in 2010 when doctors sequenced his DNA to fight a mysterious illness.
Volker said she had spoken with Walker last month and felt he was likely to sign the measure.
Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) spoke favorably of the bill but said legislators should go further and legalize medical marijuana.
“There are thousands of Wisconsinites we are leaving behind today,” he said.
The substance, cannabis oil, won’t make users high because it’s extremely low in THC, the chemical agent that produces that effect. [Journal Sentinel]
Wisconsin currently has a medical marijuana bill on the table that hasn’t yet made its ballot (and probably won’t). That said, it seems likely that Senator Erpenbach will introduce a legalization bill and that Chicago’s neighbor will become another midwestern medical marijuana state sooner rather than later.
The dominoes will keep on falling.

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