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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Research Indicates Legalizing Medical Marijuana May Reduce Assaults and Homicides

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Weed - Research Indicates Legalizing Medical Marijuana May Reduce Assaults and Homicides
Medical marijuana saves lives in more ways than one…
Thanks to Dr. Sanjay Gupta and a mountain of cannabinoid-based research, most Americans are now beginning to understand that marijuana is truly a medicine – a holistic herb that has been shown to have healing properties. One that helps kids fight epileptic seizures, comforts Vets with PTSD – all while mitigating the pain and suffering of a host of other ailments. But medical marijuana’s benefits don’t stop there. According to new research published by the PLOS ONE Journal, there is a direct correlation between states that have legalized medical marijuana and their overall reduced crime rates – reducing both assaults and homicides.
Researchers from the University of Texas utilized data from the FBI’s uniform crime report, dissecting crime rates across the country for the last 16 years. The researchers then “analyzed the Association between state and MML (medical marijuana laws) and state crime rates for all part one offenses collected by the FBI.”
Contrary law enforcement’s propaganda, the results from this University of Texas study did not indicate a crime intensifying effect for states with medical marijuana laws. Rather, those states with medical marijuana laws seem to have a direct correlation with a reduction in homicide and assault rates.
The research concluded that; “These findings run counter to arguments suggesting the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes poses a danger to public health in terms of exposure to violent crime and property crimes.”
The scientist hypothesized the possible contraction in crime rates could be thanks to people swapping out booze for MMJ. The inquisitive scientist noted that the outcome “falls in line with recent evidence and they conform to the longstanding notion that marijuana legalization may lead to a reduction in alcohol use due to individuals substituting marijuana for alcohol. Given the relationship between alcohol and violent crime, it may turn out that substituting marijuana for alcohol leads to minor reductions in violent crimes that can be detected at the state level.”

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