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A New Jersey State Senator will follow through today on a January promise he made to introduce legislation to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in the Garden State.
Sen. Nicholas Scutari, a Democratic prosecutor who sponsored the medical marijuana initiative in NJ, is set to fire up a midday press conference on the steps of the state house to highlight the benefits of marijuana legalization; explaining how his legislation would help the state. According to the Senators Bill, Scutari believes that a system like Colorado’s, which allows dispensaries and collectives to cultivate and sell state sanctioned pot, is the way to go.
“We’re not delusional about how simple the effort would be,” Scutari noted. “But I think from a standpoint of moving this state and this country forward on its archaic drug laws, I think it’s a step in the right direction.”
Unfortunately for New Jersey’s fans of progress and common sense, the prospects of the pro-pot initiative passing are a serious longshot as long as Chris Christie sits in the governor’s chair. Christie, a GOP favorite for 2016, and former prosecutor has frequently reiterated his disdain for any legislation that would legalize pot, claiming it would send the wrong message to the kids. Unlike his support for online gambling.
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