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Hemp cultivation is about to receive a long, hard, second look by both Hawaii and Minnesota, thanks to the recent passage of the US farm bill and the noble efforts of “the canary in the coal mine,” – Colorado’s voters.
It was the combination of these two events that kicked open the doors of prohibition, allowing farmers to once again cultivate hemp. Despite the misgivings of the ignorant right… Hemp can’t get you high – it might give you a colossal headache – but under no circumstances will it get you high! And for many… That’s the rub. In the prohibitionists mind, hemp is analogous to marijuana… Hopelessly intertwined with marijuana’s unearned bad boy reputation.
But that’s about to change…
The House committee on agriculture for the state of Hawaii, along with the states House Judiciary Committee, have given a green light to Senate Bill 2175, by unanimously passing the proposal which seeks to establish a research program, one that specifically studies the plants potential utilization as a biofuel, and for cleaning up environmental damage. The next step for SB 2175 is to head back to the full House for a vote, which is expected to be nothing short of a slam-dunk. From there it will go to the governor… And Fingers crossed, Gov. Neil Abercrombie will do the right thing.
Meanwhile on the mainland, the Minnesota legislature is seeking to authorize the University of Minnesota to perform both agricultural and scientific research on the plant, gaining support from some of the more enlightened members as it passes through the state capital. Minneapolis representative, Phyllis Kahn has sponsored a hemp bill seeking to authorize institutions of higher learning to perform industrial hemp research by permitting the agricultural Commissioner to allow hemp cultivation through a pilot program. Seeking to extricate themselves from the international hemp teat of China and Canada where hemp cultivation is perfectly legal. Scheduled for review before the Ways and Means committee, the bills current incarnation in the Senate is gaining traction fast.
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